Microneedling Tulsa, OK

Aging comes with many unwanted side effects, including facial lines and wrinkles. If you want a non-invasive way to treat signs of aging, try microneedling. This facial aesthetics treatment can treat fine lines, wrinkles, scars, and other skin imperfections to create a more youthful appearance. Dr. Jerome Cha offers microneedling for Tulsa, OK, patients who want smoother, more even skin.

Dr. Cha has cosmetic experience in providing microneedling and laser treatment. As a cosmetic dentist, he is dedicated to improving the appearance of the teeth and gums. In addition to dental treatments, he welcomes patients to complete cosmetic care with facial aesthetics treatment. 

Microneedling in Tulsa, OK

What is Microneedling?

Microneedling, or collagen induction therapy, regenerates the skin. We use small, sterilized needles to penetrate the skin and encourage collagen production during microneedling treatment. Professional microneedling treatment can create an even skin texture and tone.

Microneedling treatment can improve:

  • Wrinkles
  • Lines
  • Skin tone, texture, and color
  • Sun-damaged skin
  • Scars
  • Enlarged pores
  • Stretch marks
  • Loose skin

Our in-office microneedling is a non-invasive treatment with no downtime. Microneedling does not require injections or surgery to improve your skin. 

Microneedling Treatment in Tulsa, OK

Dr. Cha will clean the skin and apply a numbing cream to begin treatment. He will use a microneedling device to target specific areas of your face. The microneedling device holds 12 microscopic, sterilized needles that generate microchannels of blood flow in your skin.

Dr. Cha can deposit dermal filler in the channels to boost skin regeneration. Microneedling has a quick treatment time of 20 to 30 minutes after the numbing cream takes effect. You may feel warmth or a scratching sensation during treatment, but the numbing cream should take away most of the sensation.

Directly after treatment, you will begin to see a change in your skin. You will see the full results from improved collagen production after three weeks.

Microneedling Aftercare

After treatment, we recommend using an ice pack to reduce swelling. We also recommend avoiding direct sunlight for several days after micro needling. Microneedling treatment results can last up to six months. You can also repeat treatment in our office to maintain your results.

What is VectorLift®?

Similar to microneedling, VectorLift can encourage collagen production. It uses heat from a laser to tighten the skin. However, VectorLift focuses on the upper part of the face, including the upper eyelid and eyebrows.

VectorLift focuses on these three steps during treatment:

  • Forehead eyebrow elevation
  • Eyelid tightening
  • Scalp tightening

This treatment works by using a Fotona laser to target points on the face. This handpiece allows Dr. Cha to precisely target areas of the face that require treatment. Unlike a surgical facelift, Vectorlift is a non-invasive option. We will not make any cuts in your skin to give your skin a lifted appearance. 

If you have droopy eyelids, forehead lines, you will benefit from VectorLift. However, we will not recommend this treatment for patients with acne or eczema. 

VectorLift Treatment

To begin VectorLift, Dr. Cha will apply a numbing cream and ensure the cream takes effect before starting treatment. He may wait 30 minutes to ensure you do not feel the laser during treatment. During treatment, you will feel the heat of the laser, but you will not feel any pain.

First, Dr. Cha creates pulse points in the forehead using the laser, moving from the eyebrows to the scalp. Then, he applies the laser around the hairline. Finally, he applies the laser to the eyelids.

Lasers use heat to tighten the skin in these areas, providing a non-surgical facelift. The lasers also encourage collagen growth in these areas to help erase wrinkles or lines in the skin.

After VectorLift treatment, you can experience skin flushing, which will fade after a few hours. We recommend avoiding direct sunlight after treatment. Use SPF to protect your skin. Try to find sunscreen with high SPF like SPF 50.

You can wash your face with a gentle cleanser and use moisturizer. However, when you do your skincare, avoid brightening or abrasive products. 

Get Smoother Skin

Are you interested in VectorLift or microneedling in our Tulsa, OK office? Call Dr. Cha today at 918-347-1114. You may also request a consultation with Dr. Cha on our website. 

We serve the surrounding communities, including Ridge Point, Oak Tree Village, and Cedar Ridge Park. Please ask us if you have questions about lasers or other aesthetic treatments.