Smile Gallery

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This patient's smile was enhanced with a cosmetic bonding procedure.

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This patient received implants for missing teeth and porcelain restorations.

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This patient's teeth had years of wear and tear. Dr. Cha used porcelain restorations to give him the smile he had in his youth.

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This patient's smile was enhanced using porcelain veneers. He desired a smile that would help him be successful in his career.

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Eric W.

This patient originally had lumineer veneers, and they were irritating his gums. Dr. Cha replaced them with porcelain veneers to restore a natural look and feel.

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Eric W.

This patient originally had lumineer veneers, and they were irritating his gums. Dr. Cha replaced them with porcelain veneers to restore a natural look and feel.

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Dr. Cha used cosmetic bonding to enhance this patient's smile.

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This patient had missing teeth. Dr. Cha used porcelain restorations and implants to give her her dream smile.

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This patient received porcelain restorations.

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This patient's natural teeth were restored with build-ups and porcelain crowns to match his brilliance.

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Small improvements were needed here, and Dr. Cha used porcelain veneers to enhance this patient's smile.

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Michele B.

Dr. Cha used porcelain veneers to restore this patient's smile, who had lost much of her natural tooth structure.

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Composite bondings were used to give this patient a fresh, youthful smile in a single visit.

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This patient had been wearing an upper denture for many years. Her upper teeth were restored with multiple dental implants and now stay in place.

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This patient's front tooth had received several root canal treatments and was failing. The failing tooth was extracted and replaced with a dental implant, which was restored with an aesthetic crown to match her natural teeth.

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This patient's front tooth had received several root canal treatments and was failing. The failing tooth was extracted and replaced with a dental implant, which was restored with an aesthetic crown to match her natural teeth.

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Austin P.

Porcelain crowns were used to give this patient a fresh, bright smile.

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Pam S.

This patient had a narrow upper arch and small teeth, which did not show much when she smiled. In addition to this, she was suffering from TMD pain. Dr. Cha found a position where she could function comfortably and enhanced her smile with cosmetic bonding.

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Dr. Cha gave this patient her dream smile with porcelain veneers.

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This patient was told she needed to pull all her teeth and get a full set of dentures. She did not want to lose all her teeth at a young age. Dr. Cha removed all the decay, carefully built up her teeth, and crowned them. The missing teeth were replaced with a flexible partial denture.

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This patient's smile was enhanced with cosmetic bondings.

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Dr. Cha gave this patient a single-tooth implant.

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Dr. Cha gave this patient a single-tooth implant.

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This patient was given full-arch veneers and crowns by Dr. Cha.

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This patient's teeth were severely worn down and discolored. He was given porcelain restorations for a smile upgrade.

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This patient's teeth were severely worn down and discolored. He was given porcelain restorations for a smile upgrade.

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Andy B.

This patient had gone many years without back teeth, so his teeth were severely worn out and in an unstable condition. His missing back teeth were replaced with dental implants, and his upper teeth were restored with porcelain restorations.

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Dr. Cha used a single-visit cosmetic bonding procedure to restore this patient's smile to its natural state.

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This patient wanted a smile that matched her inner confidence and beauty. Her smile was enhanced with porcelain veneers.

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Dr. Cha gave this patient porcelain veneers to create a beautiful smile.

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Beth H.

This patient had some old fillings that had discolored her front teeth. Her smile was restored with porcelain veneers.

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Kira M.

Dr. Cha gave this patient a gingivectomy and porcelain veneers to create a smile that matched her face.

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This patient was missing his permanent lateral teeth. The retained baby lateral teeth were getting loose and were about to fall out. They were removed and replaced with dental implants and porcelain crowns.

before dentistry at Hope Restorative & Cosmetic Dentistryafter dentistry at Hope Restorative & Cosmetic Dentistry


This patient was missing his permanent lateral teeth. The retained baby lateral teeth were getting loose and were about to fall out. They were removed and replaced with dental implants and porcelain crowns.

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Porcelain Crowns

This patient's smile is transformed after treatment with porcelain crowns.

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Porcelain Crowns

Restoration brings form and function back to this lovely smile.